Food Insecurity


The nation is growing gratitude

When was the last time you sat down with nothing in your hands and simply counted 5 things you were grateful for? Has it been a day? A week? A month? Maybe even longer? Don’t feel bad; in today’s buzzing and rapidly changing environment it can be almost impossible to make the time in your day to list even a few things that

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Weekend activities to fill your soul

As another weekend quickly approaches and we are enjoying the warmer weather and longer days, it is a nice reminder that we are residing within the ‘lucky country’. So this weekend, why not pick an activity to give back to Australians in need? Each year, 3.6 million people seek food relief nationally, and sadly 60, 000 people are turned away each month from

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Australia’s Food Insecurity Issue

Given how lucky Australia is as a nation, our incredible farming and landscape, our healthy economy and financial aid systems – many dismiss that there is in fact a food insecurity issue in Australia. At least not one that is as prevalent and concerning as it is. However, the Australian Government estimates that somewhere between 4% and 13% of the general population is

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